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  • £16.96
    ex VAT
    <ul><li>A professional complex of thickening polymers, which wrap around each hair strand and extend, forming bonds between hairs and creating space.</li><li>Leaves hair thicker-looking and makes fuller styles easier to achieve.</li></ul>
  • £44.22
    ex VAT
    <ul><li>A leave-in treatment proven to promote hair density by reducing hair fall* associated with scalp oxidation.</li><li>Leave-in treatment to reduce hair fall</li><li>Improves hair density</li><li>Reduces hair fall associated with scalp surface oxidation</li><li>NIOXYDINE24 technology</li></ul>
  • £20.57
    ex VAT
    <ul><li>Density Defend is a lightweight leave-on strengthening foam for colored hair.</li><li>Lightweight leave-on strengthening foam for coloured hair</li><li>Significantly reduces hair breakage</li><li>Improves the vibrancy of hair colour</li></ul>