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  • € 20,00
    ex VAT
    <ul><li>Helps prevent and relieve the symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff, such as scalp irritation, flaking, redness, and itching</li><li>Reduces hair breakage due to scalp itching* (*associated with dandruff)</li><li>Helps provide smoothness and manageability</li><li>Clinically and Dermatologically tested, for all hair types</li></ul>
  • € 27,40
    ex VAT
    <ul><li>Helps prevent and relieve the symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff, such as scalp irritation, flaking, redness, and itching</li><li>Reduces hair breakage due to scalp itching* (*associated with dandruff)</li><li>Helps prevent recurrence of dandruff</li><li>Clinically and Dermatologically tested, for all hair types</li></ul>
  • € 17,50
    ex VAT
    <ul><li>Helps prevent and relieve the symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff, such as scalp irritation, flaking, redness, and itching</li><li>Reduces hair breakage due to scalp itching* (*associated with dandruff)</li><li>Helps prevent recurrence of dandruff</li></ul>
  • € 23,05
    ex VAT
    <ul><li>Helps prevent and relieve the symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff, such as scalp irritation, flaking, redness, and itching</li><li>Reduces hair breakage due to scalp itching* (*associated with dandruff)</li><li>Helps provide smoothness and manageability</li><li>Clinically and Dermatologically tested, for all hair types</li></ul>